Rethink your drink

rethink your drink

Did you know the average 20-ounce bottled soft drink contains 17 teaspoons of sugar? That’s the same amount that you would find in 150 M&M’s.

Sleep: 8 ways to get your 8 hours

When most people think about their daily routine, they tend to prioritize tasks from most important to least important and leave some things for later. Sleep is often thought of as optional or a low priority. In reality, it is just as important part of a healthy daily routine as eating a balanced diet and exercising.

Ready … set … WALK!

Celebrate National Walking Day with Health Promotion and Wellness and the American Heart Association Wednesday, April 2, at noon on the Quad.

Color your plate with fruits and veggies!

colorful fruit and vegetables

The benefits of adding the spectacular colors of fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks are immense. No diet is complete without a wide array of nutrient-dense, disease-fighting fruits and vegetables. Eating healthy has never been so easy, or so fun! When in doubt, just remember some of these tips:

Stress less with Practice of Positive Living

Stress is a necessary and normal part of life. However, too much or unmanaged stress can lead to academic, personal, and health issues. Illinois State University students report stress as one of the top barriers to academic success.