Tips for summer wellness

student laying on Quad

Campus might be quieter, but most people are busier than ever. Between work, activities, barbeques, and other obligations, be sure to make your well-being a priority this summer.

Ready … set … WALK!

Celebrate National Walking Day with Health Promotion and Wellness and the American Heart Association Wednesday, April 2, at noon on the Quad.

Make time to move at the office

image of ergonomics

Sitting, standing, and working at a computer for too long can cause discomfort as well as lead to decreased productivity and ability to focus. Sitting for long periods can also increase your risk of certain illness and chronic disease. Your body craves movement and variety in your postures. Microbreaks of six to 10 seconds are recommended every 20-30 minutes. Longer activity breaks are advised at least once an hour. Here are some tips to help work more movement into your day.