Spring 2018 Study Abroad Fair

Faculty Led Study Abroad Group

The Study Abroad team at ISU is gearing up for the semi-annual Study Abroad Fair! The Study Abroad Fair allows interested students the opportunity to speak to with representatives of many study abroad programs in an open house setting. Students are able to visit various tables staffed by partner universities, faculty leading upcoming study abroad

Grad Student Rahman presents at SPSA

Graduate student Mizanur Rahman presented a paper titled “Reexamining Madrassah Education-Politics Nexus in Bangladesh” at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting at New Orleans, held January 5-7, 2018.

Study Abroad, Business and Cultural Experiences in Chile

Business and Cultural Experiences in Peru 2017 study abroad trip

Imagine yourself soaking in the sights and sounds of winding city streets overlooking the Pacific, admiring handicrafts made by South American artisans and being surrounded by snow-capped mountains – all while earning college credit and learning about business in an international setting.