The Center for the Study of Education Policy was proud to assist in planning and supporting the sixth annual College Changes Everything (CCE) conference—the state’s premier college access and success event—which took place on July 21. This one-day conference focused on effective practices and showcased resources available to help with increasing college access and college
Unit: Center for the Study of Education Policy
Birth to Third Grade Continuity Project Updates
Dear IL Birth to Third Grade (B-3) Community, I hope you all are enjoying a lovely summer. I write with mixed feelings as I share the news that I will be moving on from my role as Birth Through Third Grade (B-3) director. I have been offered a fantastic opportunity to build upon previous experience
Resources for communities applying for Preschool For All (PFA) funding
As many communities are currently in the process of applying for Preschool for All funding, we are sharing some potential resources to consider when implementing a quality early learning program aligned to grade 3.
CSEP releases Principal Preparation Program Toolkit
CSEP utilized several grants to develop principal preparation program tools to assist in the implementation of the new standards and requirements for the licensure of school principals and assistant principals.
National Board Resource Center looking for Illinois site director
The National Board Resource Center, located at Illinois State, is seeking an Illinois site director for the Next Generation of the Network to Transform Teaching grant.
CSEP staff moderate research forum
Erika Hunt, senior policy analyst and researcher at the Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP), moderated a research forum hosted by the Joyce Foundation for the release of a new study by the Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) of human resources management in Illinois charter schools. The study, “Laboratories of Reform? Human Resources Management
CSEP plans Illinois Birth Through Third Grade (B-3) Continuity Conference
The Illinois Birth Through Third Grade (B-3) Continuity Conference was held on June 13–15, 2016, in Bloomington-Normal.
Illinois Teacher Leadership Report
For the past year and a half, the Illinois P-20 Council Teacher and Leadership Effectiveness (TLE) Committee examined the topic of teacher leadership by looking at the issue of teacher leadership through the lens of district and school based positions in an effort to assure that the university-based teacher leadership endorsement programs are designed to meet the needs of districts. As such, the committee has focused on the following activities:
CSEP hosts two summer symposiums
]The Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP) is hosting two symposiums during June.
New article provides insight on preparing Catholic school principals
A new article recently published in the Journal of Catholic Education provides insight on what it takes to successfully lead schools.