Undergraduate tudents prepared and disseminated a vocal health education program, Inside Your Voice (IYV) at Bone Student Center.
CSD students educate their peers about the voice and its disorders during inside your voice event

Undergraduate tudents prepared and disseminated a vocal health education program, Inside Your Voice (IYV) at Bone Student Center.
Grades for the independent study are based on more than just travel. Students are expected to attend regularly scheduled meetings to plan for travel, conduct research on an aspect of the travel experience to share with fellow travelers, set personal goals for travel, and write a reflection after travel to discuss what they learned.
Beginning in the fall of 2017, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders was pleased to welcome individuals seeking transgender voice therapy services to be clients at the Eckelmann-Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic. Community outreach and promoting awareness on the topic were the first and largest aspects of preparation.
Sarah Sadler, first year Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) graduate student, has been elected the Vice President for SLP Programming of the National NSSLHA Chapter. She encourages other students to get involved and not be intimidated by opportunities that may seem out of reach.
Cosette Groisiller, a Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) senior, was selected to participate in the Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP) offered by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). She is one of 40 students, from 200 applicants.
Communication issues addressed in CSD 422: Assessment Across the Lifespan included: voice, expressive language, motor speech, pragmatic language, language differences, phonology, augmentative-alternative communication, fluency, written language, cognitive-communication, and aphasia.
Dean Greg Simpson invites all College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends to join him for a tailgate prior to the Homecoming game Saturday, October 21.
Here is an update from Mike Marcucci, current double major in Spanish and communication sciences and disorders (speech-language pathology) at Illinois State.
The Healthcare Professions Fair on November 16 brings students from all majors together to connect with recruiters from health care organizations.
During the 2017 spring semester, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) senior Kaylee Sienza created the first-ever CSD transfer group student organization.