Spiritual wellness and the seven chakras

Graphic of a person meditating

One interesting method of practicing spiritual wellness involves working with one’s seven chakras. In meditation and yoga, chakras are known as wheels of energy located throughout the body.

Inciting your intellectual wellness

image scan of the human brain

The more brain activities you do, the more frequently you do them, and the more complex the activity, the better your intellectual wellness will be.

Focus on wellness in 2017

Reggie High Five

Take advantage of Health Promotion and Wellness services, programs, and events to make 2017 your best year yet.

Embracing your emotional wellness

Person walks into the fog

Emotional wellness is a journey toward increased awareness, expression and acceptance of a wide range of thoughts and feelings in yourself and others.

Environmental wellness in an eco-friendly home

Environmental wellness includes trying to live in harmony with the earth by understanding the impact of your interaction with nature and your personal environment, and taking action to protect the world around you.

Welcoming Wellness: 2015-2016 SEVEN Program winners


The SEVEN Wellness Program encourages individuals to engage themselves in the Seven Dimensions of Wellness which are key factors to achieving a balanced, healthy and happy life. By recording activities which fall under the seven dimensions, individuals not only continually benefit their personal wellness, but acquire points for the chance to win various prizes as well.

Summer and the SEVEN dimensions

Clouds in the sky

Nicer weather comes hand-in-hand with warmer temperatures. This sometimes prevents us from being as active as we want to be, in effort to avoid the seasonal heat. Here is a list of ways to keep on track with your wellness during the summer months.

Find your physical wellness

Glass of water

When most people think of physical wellness, they tend to think about exercise and diet. While they are important, your physical well-being is affected by other factors.

Emotional wellness: battling the winter blues

emotional wellness

Much like the seasons, we are constantly experiencing changes in our lives. Sometimes these changes can weigh a heavy toll on us, affecting our emotional wellness. This dimension of wellness involves the awareness, understanding, and acceptance of our feelings as they come and go.