Eight simple steps to increase your intellectual wellness

intellectual wellness poster

Intellectual wellness refers to active participation in scholastic, cultural, and community activities. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness because it expands knowledge and skills in order to live a stimulating, successful life. In order to improve intellectual wellness, it is important to value creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning.

7 ways to improve your spiritual wellness

The spiritual element of wellness can be the most personal piece of the puzzle when trying to place all seven dimensions of wellness together. Generally, people like to live a life with meaning and purpose. When these goals are met, it puts harmony in one’s life, and the others they surround themselves with.

Tips on maintaining physical well-being

physical wellness

When most people think of physical wellness, they tend to think about exercise and diet. While they are important, your physical well-being is affected by other factors. Preventive checkups, getting enough sleep, and stress management all play a big part in how your body feels.

Focus on social wellness during holiday season

Social Wellness

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year right? Not always. From too many commitments to family tension, the holidays can be a hard time to navigate. Be proactive and avoid feeling frazzled during this busy time of year.

Focus on environmental wellness

Illinois State Quad

Your overall well-being is closely tied to the health of the environment. Here are some easy ways to help the environment (and yourself!).

Focus on intellectual wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Everyone knows that physical activity is important for the body. But do you know its important to exercise your brain?