Gluten Friendly Flavors: Making ISU feel like home

Kevin Goffard at Watterson Dining Commons.

Last year the first self-service gluten-aware options were available at both dining centers and provided students with more convenience. Fall marked the introduction of an entire station called Gluten Friendly Flavors.

Get fresh produce on campus with Fresh FAVs!


Forget the grocery store. Fresh FAVs is a program that brings fruits and vegetables right to campus. Open to students, faculty, staff, and retirees, Fresh FAVs is a program that offers low-cost, high-quality produce once a week for eight weeks.

Tell us what you think about Campus Dining

Campus Dining Services is asking students with meal plans, faculty, and staff to participate in a customer satisfaction survey. Students who participate and complete the survey by November 17 will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card to the Barnes & Noble-Illinois State University Bookstore.

Composting carryout containers


On an average weekday, more than 11,000 meals are served in the University’s dining centers; one quarter of these are carried out. And all those carryout containers go into landfills–or at least they did.

Rethink your drink

rethink your drink

Did you know the average 20-ounce bottled soft drink contains 17 teaspoons of sugar? That’s the same amount that you would find in 150 M&M’s.

Just say no to fat talk

friends don't let friends fat talk

Fat talk is a statement made in everyday conversation about yourself or others that contributes to body dissatisfaction and reinforces the thin ideal.