Career Center changes name to Career Services 

The name change implemented this summer is a result of emerging trends within the career services industry, goals established by the University Academics and Careers Council, and the department’s future relocation to the Bone Student Center.

The art of softball

woman holding a painting of a sunflower

The crossover between picking up a paintbrush and holding a softball in a glove is a very similar feeling for softball standout Morgan Day.

Redbird for life: Former UPB leader becomes leader of UPB

New staff member, Amanda Cox, smiles through a picture frame with mascot, Reggie Redbird

Amanda Cox, ’16, M.S ’18, will be returning to University Program Board. This time, she will be leading the students. Amanda Cox always made trips to Illinois State when she was a little girl with her parents. Her parents grew up in Morton, Illinois, went to Illinois State, and met here. Cox, growing up in